Setting up RHEL IdM with integrated DNS on AWS

IdM recommends having a physical server on premises. There are few topology recommendations in IdM docs [1] On the AWS web console, Spin up an RHEL instance with following configurations I’ve created this setup on the m4.xlarge instance for our requirement. Minimum requirement matches t2.large which meets the minimum requirement 2vCPU and 8GiB RAM [2] […]

CAS For Linux?

Background We had a requirement to identify support user access on our devices running on Ubuntu, distributed over various networks. Our devices had a couple of file system users for application related operations and support users got their remote access via a shared root password accessible through ssh port forwarding. What is our best chance? Central […]

[GIT] Renaming a branch both locally and remotely

To rename the branch locally switch to the local branch which you need to rename git checkout <branch_name_needs_change> Rename the branch git branch -m <new_branch_name> push the branch. So, this will create a new branch on remote location git push <remote> <new_branch_name> delete the old one If you are using git 1.7 or later version […]